
Marco Domenichetti

Marco Domenichetti

Born in Milan on 14.03.1975, he obtained his diploma in flute with Ezequiel Recondo at the International Academy of Music. He then specialized with Daniele Bragetti and Kees Boekec dealing with both contemporary and ancient repertoire and later in Italian baroque chamber music with Laura Alvini. He also studied electronic music at IRMus with Michele Tadini, Alvise Vidolin and Pietro Polotti.

Since 1990 he plays the fifer, a traditional instrument of the Apennine area in the region of the Four Provinces (Alessandria, Genoa, Piacenza and Pavia) belonging to the oboe family.

Since 2000 he has intensified his teaching activities in various schools and institutions. Founder of groups such as LampeTron, Epinfrai, La spintilla musicalle and ooeevv, he has participated both in Italy and Europe in numerous festivals and collaborated with many organizations.